Kiki'tan Vasayn
Kiki'tan was an anomaly in his lodge, being both very young and male. His fiery spirit and tenacity are positive traits, his inability to keep a cool head and stubborn refusal to listen are definitely not.
Trained from birth to be the Watcher for his clan, Kiki'tan didn't pay attention to any of his teachings except lorekeeping and poetry. He loves it, and has a head packed full of his work and the old tales of his clan. Would you like to hear some?
Warrior of the Couerl Lodge

Miqo'te, Keeper of the Moon
Male - Young Adult
62 Ilms, 116 Ponzes
Too young to know any better and far too stubborn to ever take the time to listen, Kiki’tan is on the shorter side of small, and can be described as lithely muscled if you are being generous, or scrawny if you are being honest. His time since fleeing the Vasayn Clan has not been kind, with many nights spent huddled under trees with hunger gnawing at his belly and loneliness worrying at his mind.The young Keeper of the Moon found a home and then lost it, the itinerant nature of the males of his kind having driven him onwards. Alone again, with only small mementos of his love to remind him of warm tents and happier times, Kiki'tan wanders on.A Spear Brother of the Couerl Warrior Lodge, Kiki’tan is trained in close combat and archery. He is technically trained in the use of the spear as well, however the typical length of haft wielded by the much larger Spear Sisters of the Lodge is too unwieldy for the diminutive Kiki’tan, so he has taken more to the sword. With the aetheric sensitivity of a particularly dense rock, the youth supposedly has no control over magical ability whatsoever.
The Story of a Boy
A Youth From the Deep Shroud
The Vasayn clan of the Keepers of the Moon is an older clan, tracing its heritage back many generations. Small but fierce, their home is a tiny village deep in the Shroud, and they defend it with an intensity that matches any forest predator. The Vasayn have a warrior lodge, the Coeurl, which is tasked with the defense of their land and people. The lodge, like the clan, is almost entirely female. In recent memory there has been only a single exception.Kiki'tan is the youngest Coeurl Warrior of the Vasayn clan. Well, he is technically a Coeurl Warrior after having (barely) completed the lodge trial, taming a coeurl mount (a bit too small to ride at first), and even managing to slay a rampaging forest goobbue (it choked to death on his sword). The lodgemistress has grudgingly awarded Kiki'tan his head band, but he always has to sit in the back of the lodge house. His spear sisters, who all happened to be significantly larger than him, don't exactly treat him as an equal.Things did not go well for Kiki'tan after joining the Lodge, both with his spear sisters and the Matriarch of his clan, who also happened to be his mother. Tensions rose, harsh words were shared and blood was spilled. Kiki'tan fled his home, abandoning his clan and his vows to wander the Shroud. He holds the precepts and traditions of the Lodge close still, despite everything. Since leaving, he has met many people, had good experiences and bad, yet he still seeks the truth about himself and his purpose in life.
Keeper of the Moon Poet
Watcher of the Clan
I walked a scarcely trodden path,
A light within that I must share.
Never for he to feel the wrath,
Of a world without me to care.
Will you take my hand?
Comfort in your warmth.
Enough to make a stand,
As to duty we set forth.

Art by Rhel'a Mhakhato (Mateus)
Ways to Connect
Tribal Warrior: Kiki'tan is a warrior of the Couerl Lodge. Skilled in the use of the spear and the bow, he loves a good scrap and will probably accept any challenge to fight! Just watch out for that odd green slime smeared on his blades...Traditional Keeper of the Moon: Hailing from the Deep Shroud and a clan that is devoted to the old ways, Kiki'tan reveres many traditional Keeper symbols. Menphina worship, nature offerings, hunting and fishing, old runes, and anything remotely superstitious will be fascinating to him.Poet and Lorekeeper: Having grown up listening to the old tales and songs, Kiki'tan has been developing his storytelling skills his entire life. He has made up his own poems and stories and is more than happy to regale you with them, or make up entirely new ones on the spot! However, his are the old ways and any nonsense about books and written writings won't be tolerated.Beastmaster: Kiki'tan has an intrinsic connection to a pack of couerl that helped to raise him. The fearsome felines are utterly alluring and any talk of them will fascinate the youth.

About Me:
I am 21+, cis male, am CST, and live in the States.
I have a lot of experience roleplaying, including several years in FFXIV.
I am a massive nerd and will happily babble on about a wide variety of subjects, from history to World of Warcraft to Warhammer to D&D(I prefer Pathfinder) to...well. You get the idea.
I try and mostly succeed in keeping IC and OOC separate. But if you are my friend IC you are my friend OOC. Don't fight it, you know you love me.
Add me on Discord! Ask in game first please, I don't like leaving my Discord ID out in the wild.
I stream!